We love getting out and meeting gardening groups! We have several different curated talks that are ‘ready-to-go’ but John is also happy to deliver a bespoke talk on a gardening-related subject, so please email or call us and we can chat through the options and prices.Please note that fees are dependent on group size and geographical location, and we will be happy to provide a full quotation once we have spoken.Our talks are always well received but don’t just take our word for it – just take a look at the testimonials below:
We recently gave a talk to members of Welbourn Gardening Club and received some wonderful feedback from Nina McBeath: Dear John and Hugh,On behalf of all those present at last night’s meeting, both members of Welbourn Gardening Club and our visitors, a massive ‘Thank you’ for a most enjoyable evening and a really outstanding and informative talk by you, John. The feedback today has been very positive and has consistently mentioned how impressed people were, not only with the content of your talk, but the fact that you spoke for well over an hour without any apparent notes and, (I have to mention this) on a more personal note, your ‘Edinburgh accent” was much enjoyed by a number of people! Thank you again for an excellent evening. We all enjoyed your visit immensely.
We also received some lovely feedback from Jean Taylor following our talk to Burnholme Gardening Club.
Good Morning John It was a great pleasure to welcome you and Hugh to Burnholme Gardening Club last night and we thank you most warmly for a most excellent talk. Your delivery of the talk was superb, and you gave us a wealth of very practical suggestions as well as educating us on pollinators and how to bring them to our gardens. It was interesting, inspiring and most enjoyable. I didn't see a single person falling asleep, so you obviously kept their attention! Thank you also for bringing such a tremendous variety of high-quality plants. I have had numerous requests to arrange a visit to your nursery so will try to sort that out as soon as possible. Looking forward to having you back to our Club sometime in the future.