John & Hugh

John Cullen Gardens Limited was founded in London in 2009. In 2015 we made the move to Lincolnshire, having located the perfect new home in the country for our ever-expanding collections of plants.

We pride ourselves in the quality of our plants and also our knowledge and friendly customer service. We work with the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), The Herb Society and Plant Heritage.

We have also appeared on television and radio – watch here!

As seen at

John Cullen, Managing Director

John Cullen in his greenhouse as a young schoolboy in 1977

I was born in Edinburgh and moved to London in the late 1980s.

My first packets of seeds, from the local garden centre, were marrows and Achillea. Though so different, both packets yielded bumper crops, so much so that Mum couldn’t pass the pickings on to others quickly enough.

There, my love of all things horticultural began.

Prior to launching my garden business, I worked in the event industry, and particularly enjoyed the creative process involved in staging large-scale projects, both indoors and outdoors.

Throughout this time, my dream was to have my own horticultural business. I finally took a leap of faith in 2008 and studied with both KLC School of Design in Chelsea and the Royal Horticultural Society.

Hugh Faulds, Creative Director

Hugh meets the future Queen on LF Markets' 20th Anniversary

I have had a varied teaching career in graphic design, alongside dance and drama, but have always held a passion for every aspect of beauty and design.

In 2010 I studied for horticultural foundation with Capel Manor and in 2011, I completed a floral design course at the Covent Garden Academy of Flowers in London.

I also hail from Scotland and my pathway to horticulture took many twists and turns. Originally moving to London to train as a dancer, I decided on a teaching career, and taught graphic design and 3D art. I moved into social work, working with adults with learning difficulties.

I always wanted to move back into the creative industry and in 2010, joined John at John Cullen Gardens.

I am delighted to add my artistic flair to all our projects.


Maggie came to us at the tender age of five, as her Mum was moving overseas. She is a Pomeranian/Spitz-cross who identifies as a Doberman!

She is always on alert and will spend hours retrieving sticks. Don’t make the mistake of throwing one for her as you will be there all day. Not one for daytime naps, she spends most days out in the nursery with us and always quality control checks the stock we are taking to shows.


Sadly, we had to say goodbye to Betsy on 9 July 2024. She passed away in John’s arms in one of her favourite spots in the garden.

We are heartbroken but taking comfort in the thought of her playing with her brother Bailey in doggie heaven. We have so many memories of our six years with her; thanks to our little madam we had to install a mailbox at the top of the drive as she used to chase the postie and couriers, so we will now think of her every time we fetch the mail.

Thank you to everyone for their kind wishes during this difficult time.

John & Hugh

The Girls (and a couple of boys)

In 2020, we decided to introduce some chickens into the nursery. This was for two reasons:

First of all, chickens are natural predators and so help us to reduce the number of slugs and snails and other unwelcome critters.

The second reason was to get fresh eggs! Our first arrivals were rescue laying hens (Clarissa, Priscilla, Ginger, Blu and Maude); they were followed by a fine cockerel named Prince, then we were joined by two Black Booted Bantams, Jack and Jill, and finally a Gold Dutch called Doris.

They love to wander freely around the nursery and follow us wherever we are working, pecking at our feet and any critters we disturb. Currently the leader of the flock is Ginger, and she definitely likes to organise, as her name would suggest!